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Too Tired To Exercise? It Won’t Last.

How to get your motivation back and reap the rewards of consistent training.
Max Cotton

The cruel irony of exercise is that you need to expend energy before you feel its long-term energetic effects. This is especially true if you’re restarting after a break or at the beginning of your fitness journey.

In the short term, workouts are tiring. You expend calories, empty your body of fuel, and become tired. It’s easy to put off a workout; after all, you’re tired enough already. 

But waiting to feel energised enough to start exercising will trap you in a downward spiral. Energy isn’t the condition for exercise; it’s the effect. So you’ve got to push yourself through the initial tiredness and move your body – once you’re in the training momentum, it will become easier and more vitalising. 

In the mid to long-term, exercise will give you more energy in your daily life. It does so in three ways:

  1. Physiological
  2. Lifestyle changes
  3. Mental health

So dig deep, push through your energetic slump, and it won’t be long before you’re reaping the rewards.

How training gives you more energy

1. Physiological

Simply put: when you’re fit, physically existing is easier. Fit people:

  • Have a lower heart rate and can utilise more oxygen during exercise; their cardiovascular system is more efficient, meaning they can complete all physical tasks with less effort, such as running for a train or emptying the loft.
  • Are less likely to suffer from back, neck or other joint pains.
  • Tend to have less fat and more muscle, making it easier to move their body in any physical task.
  • Recover more quickly from physical exertion.
  • Tend to have better mobility and flexibility.
  • Are less likely to develop non-communicable diseases such as Type II diabetes and certain cancers.

Being physically unfit is like trying to complete life on hard mode. The reverse is true of being fit – living in your body becomes easier.

2. Lifestyle changes

When you’re getting fit, it’s very natural for your habits to change for the better too.

  • For most people, it’s much easier to eat healthy food when they’re feeling good. They instinctively don’t want to undermine their hard work, which leads to better food choices. A nutrient-dense, balanced diet = more energy.
  • Fit people sleep better. Exercise improves both sleep quality and your ability to get to sleep in the first place. Better rested = more energy.

Humans aren’t designed to be sedentary. So when you move a bit more, it’s natural for your other habits to align with your fitness journey.

3. Mental health and mindset

Regular physical activity can do wonders for your mental health, outlook and mindset.

  • People who exercise are less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.
  • Better health, sleep and diet tend to lead to more motivation in daily life. On the other hand, when you’re tired, nutrient-deprived and unfit, it’s tough to get motivated for work or social activities.
  • Regular exercise is fantastic for stress management and releasing a build-up of tension.
  • Pushing yourself in training helps cultivate mental resilience. The more resilient you are, the easier you’ll find hard things.

For me, mindset is where I see the quickest gains from exercise. When I’m training regularly, the world seems brighter, and my problems seem easier to cope with. I’m instantly more motivated to get up and tackle life head-on.

Don’t give up – more energy is available to you

At 34, I don’t naturally feel like I did at 24. When I stop exercising, I feel pretty rubbish and slow. Getting up, eating well and drinking less is harder. My motivation for work and socialising is less.

After a few unfortunate injuries and setbacks (my Lurcher ran into me, tearing my ACL and MCL – a story for another day), this is how I felt not that long ago. But now that I’m back exercising regularly, I’m feeling better in every way, closer to how I felt naturally in my twenties.

If you’re sick of feeling lethargic or want to feel like you’re ten years younger, exercise is the way forward. It won’t be easy at first, but soon you will feel the benefits. You possess a highly-adaptable magic suit of flesh and electricity. Treat it well, and it will work better for you, making every day easier.

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